ACCA Certificate in International Auditing (Cert IA)
Qualified accountants and auditors can use this course to ensure that they are up to date with all the current developments issued by the IAASB. An educational or vocational background in audit is recommended before commencing the Cert IA.
Course Outline
1. Auditing Standards
a. The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)
b. The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)
c. The framework of International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)
d. ISAs - what they represent and how they are set.
2. ISA 200, Overall Objectives
a. Overall objectives of an audit of financial statements
b. General principles governing auditors and their work
c. The nature and scope of an audit.
3. ISA 230, Audit Documentation
a. Preparing and retaining documentation
b. Assembly of the final audit file
c. Confidentiality.
4. ISA 240, Fraud in an audit of financial statements
a. Fraud in an audit of financial statements
b. Types of fraud and the difference between fraud and error
c. Role of those charged with governance and management in preventing and detecting fraud
d. The limitations of internal controls
e. Ways of recognizing material misstatements
f. Responsibilities of the auditor
g. procedures
h. Withdrawing from an engagement.
5. Planning
a. ISA 300, Planning an audit of financial statements
b. ISA 315, Understanding the entity and its environment
c. ISAs 320 and 450, Audit materiality and evaluation of misstatements.
d. ISA 570 Going Concern – planning considerations
6. Internal Control and Risk Assessment
a. ISA 265, Communicating deficiencies in internal control to those charged with governance and management
b. ISA 315, Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatements
c. ISA 330 the Auditor’s Responses to Assessed Risks
d. ISA 402, Audit Considerations Relating to an Entity Using a Service Organisation.
e. ISA 520 Analytical Procedures.
7. ISA 500, Audit Evidence
a. Identifying sources of evidence
b. Financial statement assertions and distinguishing between the testing of transactions and balances
c. Evaluating evidence collected
d. Procedures for obtaining audit evidence.
8. Audit sampling and substantive procedures
a. ISA 315, Substantive procedures to address the risks of material misstatement
b. ISA 520, Analytical procedures
c. ISA 580, Written representations
d. ISA 570, Audit procedures for Going Concern
9. Specific items (ISA 501 and 505)
a. Physical inventory counting procedures
b. Litigation and claims
c. Segment information
d. Designing and evaluating an external confirmation.
10. Internal Auditing
a. The roles of the internal and external auditors
b. How external auditors assess whether to make use of internal auditors’ work.
11. Reporting
a. ISAs 700, 701, 705,706 and 720, Auditor's report on financial statements
b. ISA 560 Subsequent Events
c. ISA 570 Going Concern.